
March 31st 2024 Today was a good day for a lot of reasons. In no particular order. Hannah and I did an Easter Egg hunt for eachother. Her hiding was typically chaotic and included… …Weetabix in a tree. God, I love this woman. Also I played golf at Churston Golf Club and… … I shot 75. Seventy five. Seventy five British pounds. Wait that’s not right. Seventy five golf shots. I three putted 3 times. I had a triple bogey after a double bogey. But I also had four birdies and eight pars. That is unbelievable. The course was pretty… … Continue reading Churston


March 30th 2024 Today Hannah and I climbed up a waterfall in Dartmoor. How is that England on a Saturday in March? It looks like New Zealand or Peru. There are better photos of the waterfall up close on Hannah’s phone but she’s asleep still try to add them in the morning. It was exhausting but beautiful. Even if I ruined a pair of trainers walking through the bog to get there. Until tomorrow, happy anniversary x James Continue reading Dartmoor


March 29th 2024 Today Hannah, Paddy and I drove four hours down to Cockington, which is near Torquay in Devon and is also a very funny word, which is why I’ve made a point to include it, and why it’ll probably be the title of this post. It’s a 2.5 hour drive that took 4 hours because hashtag Easter weekend and also hashtag dog. He was not happy in the car. He is usually a placid passenger and just sleeps on the back seat because he knows when he wakes up he’s going to be somewhere more fun than usual, … Continue reading Cockington


March 28th 2024 Today started poorly as once again my Thursday morning round of golf was cancelled because the course was closed. I was supposed to be playing with my new pal Stuart as well (sorry Jim). It was potentially for the best as I did have a lot of work to do that I to be fair did not really end up doing. And then I waited round all day for a meeting that started at 19:30 and finished at 21:00. I was particularly worried about it too because it was my meeting to run and I fucking hate … Continue reading Participator


March 27th 2024 Today let’s all collectively agree to pretend that seabass is one word. Because today I cooked seabass. We’re back on the Hello Fresh meal prep kits at the moment because the desire to think of recipes is as far gone as the desire to cook them. There are very few areas where mine and Hannah’s tastes overlap, and fish is not usually one of them, but I think I did a pretty good job. The lighting in this kitchen is crap though. Completely unnecessarily cup-moulded rice was not on the menu, I added that flair myself (thanks … Continue reading Seabass


March 26th 2024 Today won’t go down in the history books as one of my best ever days, nor will it go down as one of the worst. It’s a day that I struggled through from the start, not really able to get going with work in any great sense, not able to concentrate or focus. I can tell it’s going to be a rough one if I’ve had a song stuck in my head for three days. Currently it’s Bossman by Louis Dunford. I’ll sing the few lines I know over and over and over because I don’t want … Continue reading Bossman


March 25th 2024 Today was Paddy’s penultimate doggy agility session. This five weeks so far has been fun, and Paddy enjoys it and gets a lot out of it, but my god is it a lot of standing around. It’s an hour’s session with three other dogs who each need some time in the paddock alone, so basically every dog gets 15 minutes work a week. Which is not a lot for a £120 course. It basically means Paddy is stood around on the outside for 45 minutes while I watch the other owners fail to get their dogs to … Continue reading Paddock


March 24th 2024 Today I thought we were potentially going to have ended up biting off more than we could chew, so to speak, with the amount that we had planned, but we smashed it. Hannah made shakshouka while I walked the dog. We went to Reading. We checked the boat. We drove to Swindon. We met my sister and my parents for a drink. Originally we were supposed to meet them separately, but I had the inspired idea of combining that. We tangentially attended a pub quiz at which I was doing tangentially very well. We got home and … Continue reading Chew


March 23rd 2024 Today was good. A really good day. As most good days do, it started with golf. I entered a stableford competition. Last time I did that I came dead last in a field of 60. Today I came sixth. So that’s definite progress. I played really well. I drove the ball a mile, hit my short and mid irons well, but then putted like I was blind. Pretty much every putt was left short as I battled to figure out how to read the speed, given that it was hailing one minute and sunny the next. In … Continue reading Sixth


March 22nd 2024 Today we have an excited little household because Hannah is coming back from Berlin. Look at Bunny Bear go: I’m not 100% sure what emotion she is displaying there, but I’m betting it’s excitement. She has been walking around the house screaming trying to find Hannah, so this is at least an improvement. But Hannah will be home in about 30 minutes! And we’re all sat here waiting patiently. Until tomorrow, welcome home baby. Jacn Continue reading Patiently