
April 30th 2024 Today Jim and I were supposed to play golf after work, but the clutch went on his car on the A40 outside GCHQ. It was the first time I’ve ever broken down while driving somewhere, and it wasn’t even my car. And I wasn’t even driving. I didn’t really fancy sitting around in his car waiting for three hours for the RAC to show up, so I left him there and walked home. It was only like 45 minutes away. Should I have stayed to keep him company? Maybe. Especially because as it turned out the recovery … Continue reading Clutch


April 29th 2024 Today I was straight back to work after an eventful and memorable weekend in Bucharest. I’ve got a busy week this week. I have to learn how to write SQL (structured query language) statements and rewrite the growth model to include annual and monthly purchases, as well as early life data around activation and onboarding. I don’t know why I’m telling you this, maybe I’m just writing it down to reaffirm that I’m going to do it. I’m also quite enjoying learning a new skill. Maybe I’m more likely to stick to this one if it’s going … Continue reading Statements


April 27th 2024 Today was a chaos sandwich of a day. Where chaos is the bread and jacuzzis is the sliced ham. I don’t know why sliced ham is the only item in my sandwich at thirty years old but there you go. When I woke up Andy (Brad’s (the stag’s)) Dad was missing. All we’d heard was that he was in an ambulance but we didn’t know where. So we Uber-hopped between hospitals until we found him. Three broken ribs, and a completely free hospital visit (shoutout Romanian healthcare?) later, we got him home. Then it felt inappropriate to … Continue reading Chaos


April 26th 2024 Today we spent our afternoon paintballing so we were we already pretty tired. Turns out I’m better at paintballing than I would’ve expected. Apparently I’ve not done it since I was 13 years old, and I doubt — knowing me — that I was particularly good at it then. But I was getting loads of “kills” today. I’d sit deep until the other team had a few players picked off, and then I’d get aggressive. And it went pretty well! I was surprised. Shout out Andy Cunningham. Then we went to Blue Margarita for Mexican food. Too … Continue reading Grim


April 25th 2024 Today I flew to Bucharest for Brad’s stag do. There were three stag dos on the plane, and Brad’s outfit was the least offensive, which I’m glad of. We have an apartment with a pool table, which as far as I’m concerned is all we needed. Although we did go out into the real world. Brad was given some special items to keep hold of. Just Stop Oil. And so on. There were upsettingly zero kebabs on the way home from old town to our apartment. I was hungry. I still am. Until tomorrow, kebabby. Jacn Continue reading Dos


April 24th 2024 Today was a rush to finish a three day week before a stag do kind of Wednesday. Squeeze as much work as you can into a Monday Tuesday kind of Wednesday. Try to take the dog out for a big nice walk but also try to prioritise a date night with Hannah kind of Wednesday. But come home from the pub early because I need an early night kind of Wednesday. Jim’s picking me up in 6 and a half hours, which seems like a reasonable amount of sleep. Until tomorrow, goodnight. Jacn Continue reading Squeeze


April 23rd 2024 Today I realised that instead of watching Arsenal on a shitty American Twitter stream, that I could just go to the pub that is 30 yards from my house. I only realised this week that it shows football, which goes some way of showing that I’ve never been in it. It’s not a nice place, as far as I can tell. But is it better or worse than a laggy, disconnecting Twitter stream? That said, Elon Musk taking over Twitter and seemingly ignoring moderation of copyrighted content has been one of his better moves, because the streams … Continue reading Laggy


April 22nd 2024 Today life did that thing where it tends to figure itself out. I’d been somewhat stressing about the fact that my mortgage goes up a fair amount in May, but then unprompted my boss called me today and gave me a pay rise that pretty much covers the mortgage. Cheers Scott. So naturally, I suddenly felt immediately better about myself, because money has that effect on me. There is a direct correlation between my salary and my self-perception of worth, and when one goes up so does the other. And it’s not about having more money, because … Continue reading Worthy


April 21st 2024 Today I entered a strokeplay golf competition and shot 116. I haven’t shot anything that high in probably ten years. Of the people who finished the competition, I once again came dead last. I guess I can take solace in the fact that there were eleven people who were having a worse day than I was, so just gave up instead of completing the round. So at least I’ve got that going for me I guess. It kind of set the tone for my round when it took me five shots to get off the first tee. … Continue reading Strokeplay