
April 21st 2024 Today I entered a strokeplay golf competition and shot 116. I haven’t shot anything that high in probably ten years. Of the people who finished the competition, I once again came dead last. I guess I can take solace in the fact that there were eleven people who were having a worse day than I was, so just gave up instead of completing the round. So at least I’ve got that going for me I guess. It kind of set the tone for my round when it took me five shots to get off the first tee. … Continue reading Strokeplay


April 20th 2024 Today was a good day but a long day. I’m not entirely sure how all of this stuff happened in one day. We got back from the airport less than 24 hours ago. 2am last night. I woke up at 8am and went to pick up the wedding suits with Brad. Then we went for breakfast at 9. At 10:30 I picked Paddy up from kennels and took him for a walk. Then Hannah and I did a meal plan for the week. Then we took the dog on a two hour walk around the racecourse, stopping … Continue reading Reindeer