
April 28th 2024 Today I am back from Brad’s stag in Bucharest and completely exhausted. It was a memorable trip for many reasons, and full of stories we’ll enjoy telling for years to come. So all in, a job well done from Jim and Duff (the co-best men) Until tomorrow, well done boys. Norm Continue reading Telling


April 27th 2024 Today was a chaos sandwich of a day. Where chaos is the bread and jacuzzis is the sliced ham. I don’t know why sliced ham is the only item in my sandwich at thirty years old but there you go. When I woke up Andy (Brad’s (the stag’s)) Dad was missing. All we’d heard was that he was in an ambulance but we didn’t know where. So we Uber-hopped between hospitals until we found him. Three broken ribs, and a completely free hospital visit (shoutout Romanian healthcare?) later, we got him home. Then it felt inappropriate to … Continue reading Chaos