
April 27th 2024

Today was a chaos sandwich of a day. Where chaos is the bread and jacuzzis is the sliced ham. I don’t know why sliced ham is the only item in my sandwich at thirty years old but there you go.

When I woke up Andy (Brad’s (the stag’s)) Dad was missing. All we’d heard was that he was in an ambulance but we didn’t know where.

So we Uber-hopped between hospitals until we found him. Three broken ribs, and a completely free hospital visit (shoutout Romanian healthcare?) later, we got him home.

Then it felt inappropriate to a do a beer bike, so we skipped it, left Andy in bed, and went to Therme Bucharest — which is a spa slash water park slash “wellness centre” with swim-up bars and water slides.

Three hours, four monitors, and five slides later, we were straight out into the old town for a night out which almost ended with a police raid of the nightclub we were in (the top slice of the chaos sandwich), but for me really ended about an hour later in the club next door, shortly after this photo was taken:

(I don’t have this photo yet. I’ll add it when I do, but for those of you who read this blog from the email updates, you may never see it, a fact about which I am fairly glad. Spoiler alert: I am on a table)

And so a day which started with an ambulance and (almost) ended with a swat team was actually a pretty good day for the last day of Brad’s stag in Bucharest.

Until tomorrow, oh oh, sometimes I have a good feeling.


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