
May 31st 2024 Today we are probably just about going to make it on a train from Belgrade to Montenegro. Our train is at 8pm but about two hours ago we realised that we’d accidentally thrown our train tickets in the bin before we checked out of our hotel. One panicked rush back to the hotel later, we’re desperately trying to use Google translate to explain what happened to the person cleaning what was our room. When she didn’t really seem to get it, we just started digging through the larger bin bag, and at that point she either realised … Continue reading Bin


May 30th 2024 Today Hannah and I explored what Belgrade has to offer (after we had a lie in). Fairly early on we satisfied the requirement of “take one photo of a strangely shaped building which proves you’re not in England” Later, we ended up walking around the fortress — about which there is definitely an interesting fact that I don’t remember. Largest fort in Europe? It wasn’t that big. It was the something something in something though. We stopped for a cider in a bar at the edge of the fort, and when we heard the noise of the … Continue reading Jam


May 29th 2024 Today Hannah and I flew to Belgrade for the first leg of our Balkans adventure. It feels like it’s been a long day. We flew at 4pm, and landed at 8 local time, so by the time we got to our apartment and settled it was basically 9pm. We booked a bus from the airport that didn’t show up, then booked an Uber that we couldn’t find, so we got a taxi and drove through the city to our apartment. Somehow, we resisted the urge to go straight to sleep, and walked to the nearest restaurant we … Continue reading Belgrade


May 28th 2024 Today I’ve got my St. Christopher necklace back from being repaired — just in time, as I go on holiday tomorrow. I broke the chain almost a month ago on Brad’s stag do, and I’ve felt completely naked without wearing it since. My Nan bought me it before I went on my first big trip at age 21, and I’ve worn it every day for almost ten years. I’ve only had to take it off once — at a water park in Bucharest (actually twice, as I went back there recently) — and being without it makes … Continue reading Christopher


May 27th 2024 Today I finished my weekend of golf undefeated by not losing to Sam as we played Lilley Brook for the first time. And I know you’re thinking “not losing? Does that mean winning” and I would remind you that we are British and we believe that drawing is an appropriate third result to any match. We drew. I parred the last to bring it back to all square. Lilley Brook was nice. It’s technically the closest course to me, but I’m a member at Gloucester, which is also nice but just from further away. Until tomorrow, I’m … Continue reading Lilley


May 26th 2024 Today I took Paddy for sunset walk at the racecourse. I’ve grown bored of our usual loop, and I’m avoiding Pittville Park, so I wanted to drive somewhere where he could run around safe and free. But when we got to the racecourse, some inconsiderate people are constructing some kind of festival venue on it. Rude. Paddy still got to play though, to bound through heather and to dive into ponds. It’s his absolute favourite type of walk that doesn’t involve chasing an orange squeaky ball around a field. Spotify had cooked up a delicious accompanying playlist, … Continue reading Bound


May 25th 2024 Today I got through the first round of the summer match play competition at my golf club. It’s a six-round, 64 player knockout competition, and I’ve won my first game. I played a really good round of golf, shooting 84 off the white tees but winning the match 5&3. I’m entering a bunch of competitions to teach myself how to play under a bit of pressure, and give myself confidence in hitting shots when it matters, and I did that pretty well today. There was a hole or two on the back nine when I was 3-up … Continue reading Knockout


May 24th 2024 Today I realised that I must have missed daily blog number 3000. It’s 2024 isn’t it. This blog started January 1st 2015. Nine years and a little bit. That’s gotta be more than 3000. *googles* 3,431. Okay so it was like over a year ago. Which I guess makes sense. Three thousand four hundred and thirty one. One post every single day. Damn. It’ll be ten years on New Year’s Day. Basically my entire twenties documented, on paper. Except for all of the awful or weird shit I did. I didn’t write any of that down obviously. … Continue reading Documented


May 23rd 2024 Today after a round of golf and a long dog walk, I went to the gym and couldn’t lift a thing. I felt so weak, and tired, and I could barely get an 8kg dumbbell above my head. But I showed up, and I tried, and tomorrow I’ll show up and try again, I guess. Until tomorrow, it’s disheartening, and demotivating, and demoralising, but it’s my level now. Jacn Continue reading Demoralising


May 22nd 2024 Today I had the marvellous idea of using my dog in place of my phone any time I needed a bit of dopamine. During the work day if ever my motivation is waning or my energy is fading, I’ll very commonly pick up my phone, flick through Instagram or play a game (or six) of chess for the dopamine rush needed to keep me going. But that’s not healthy. It creates this parasitic relationship between me and my phone that means my screen time each week is probably over twenty hours on my phone alone. And so … Continue reading Dopamine