
May 28th 2024

Today I’ve got my St. Christopher necklace back from being repaired — just in time, as I go on holiday tomorrow.

I broke the chain almost a month ago on Brad’s stag do, and I’ve felt completely naked without wearing it since.

My Nan bought me it before I went on my first big trip at age 21, and I’ve worn it every day for almost ten years. I’ve only had to take it off once — at a water park in Bucharest (actually twice, as I went back there recently) — and being without it makes me feel on edge.

It’s the most precious thing I own, and if my house was on fire it would be the first thing I’d grab after Paddy. Except to be fair I’d already be wearing it, so I’d probably just grab the dog.

I feel better having it on again. I’m not a particularly spiritual or religious guy, but I am quite sentimental, and I don’t get more sentimental than for this.

I clutch it when I’m upset, I bite it when I’m anxious, I fiddle with it when I’m trying to avoid saying something. It’s my fidget spinner and my horcrux.

I like to think my Nan would’ve appreciated the “horcrux” description.

Until tomorrow, it’s good to have it back.


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