
May 31st 2024

Today we are probably just about going to make it on a train from Belgrade to Montenegro. Our train is at 8pm but about two hours ago we realised that we’d accidentally thrown our train tickets in the bin before we checked out of our hotel.

One panicked rush back to the hotel later, we’re desperately trying to use Google translate to explain what happened to the person cleaning what was our room. When she didn’t really seem to get it, we just started digging through the larger bin bag, and at that point she either realised what we meant or just decided to leave the crazy bin diggers to it.

We found them though. Just about. We found the envelope first, and until that point I hadn’t been that worried, but when the envelope showed up empty my stomach did do a loop. Thankfully we kept digging and the actual tickets were just at the bottom of the bin bag.

Our train is an overnight sleeper train, and probably won’t have wifi, which is why this blog is being posted at 4pm British time, in case you were wondering.

For the non-chaotic-panic part of our morning, we ate brunch at Bloom:

Went for a walk around a contemporary art gallery:

And ate some lovely Asian food at Marukoshi:

And now, hopefully there’s no more drama before we get on a 14 hour train to another country.

Until tomorrow, wish us luck.


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